Friday, August 28, 2009

which one is more valuable?

a snake or a human?

what if its a precious snake? like an anaconda?
Would you save a human life by killing the snake?
obviously the answer from most people would be saving the human.
But, what about the snake? Is it not a life as well? Is it less valuable? Just because it can't talk or have fancy weapons to defend itself? is it not one of God's creation as well. and there are people who claim they are protecting wildlife and whatever endangered species. But when faced with such a choice..which would it be?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


i do not like moths.

although they are not very nice looking compared to butterflies....

I really have nothing against their appearance.

If they did not bug me so much i won't mind their annoyingness.
And even though I understand its what they do as bugs, its their nature to bug people. And i understand that they are very har workers, but i do hope they will just sometimes get lazy and sleep around all day and not flying around annoying innocent people minding their own business!

And as if that's not annoyi8ng enough, they always find a need to panic whenever they think ttthey aere under attack. I mean, puh-lease..who or what animal in the right mind would want to eat them. yuck! I don't know about you guys out there but i really just want them to get out and leave me in peace.

but noooo.. they just have to get all panicky and start trashing aorund like its gonna help in any way. yeesh! why can't they just calmly fly away like normal things do?

so yeah that's the reason i dislike moths. blah!