Friday, June 26, 2009

contradicting myself...again

ok so i was thinking, people always tell you to never give up.

Like there's this very nice quote from someone " those who failed are those who did not know how close they were to suceeding when they gave up".

However, people also say that you should not be closed-minded and too persistent, cuz sometimes when you're so focused on something far away that you lose sight to what's right there in front of you.

Don't you think these two contradict each other?

Like maybe you suddenly think that : "oh i should try other stuff now that i think this one is not working." and someday you will look back thinking that, "oh what if I just persisted a bit longer, or tried just one more time maybe I would have suceeded."

of course, there are simple situations when these two are obviously different. Like a person who is good in and love math and physics won't take up biology as their main subject. I mean, can you imagine what its like if Einstein choose to be a doctor?

or when there isn't any other choice if you give up. Like when you're going for your driving's test. If you give up then you can't drive. plain as that. There is no if i give up driving maybe i can learn flying in a plane or something right?

those are simple. but since when everything in life are as stark as that?

most decisions in life are always a thin line between these two.

" God gave me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to tell the difference." Quoted from xxx( forgot her name)

well,obvioulsy i did not have the wisdom. lol

haha I'm confusing myself here. Maybe i should not study so much. Its making my brain go crazy. Normallywhen I don't study so much i think of normal stuff like what to eat for dinner, when to send down the laundry, when should i go back to penang.... you know, normal stuff.

so this is just my pre-exam stress. I'm absolutely normal. at least more normal than now.

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